Kinematics studio in Richmond. Photography by Emma Byrnes
As a photographer one needs to stay flexible in order to twist and squat into all sorts of interesting positions. But over a year ago I went to get out of bed and I could barely walk. It took me many weeks of trial and error and word of mouth recommendations to find myself on the doorstep of Kinematics Studio but gosh I am glad I did. I can’t even describe to you my admiration for the folks at this physiotherapy/pilates studio. The expertise of their practitioners helped me rehabilitate and propel me back on the rapid road to recovery.
And of course during my visits I was lucky to forge a relationship with co-directors Pep Karulus/Rachel Crampton who then hired me to photograph their new Richmond studio for use with their branding/social media (by this stage I was once again nimble-footed!)
The shoot encompassed interiors shots and product shots with Rachel jumping in to effortlessly provide some context on the pilates equipment. It was great to offer some of my own expertise back to this dynamic duo - long may their business thrive!